Saturday, January 30, 2010

orphée et euridice

went to a french opera/ballet yesterday called orphée et euridice. watching semi nude people flay their arms and legs around did come across as rather "different" initially, but as the synopsis played out one realised that such form of art is as trans-cultural as say, some american genre of music.

though originally a greek tale, stuttgart's famous ballet company performed the parisian version of the opera, which includes more ballets. chris spuck's choreography was remarkably impressive and in spite of the complete handicap that was language, i was quite interested in the proceedings. they used colors and props (notably ladders and chairs) to set the scenes up in a sophisticated but minimalistic manner. i shall refrain from sounding like some sorta expert by commenting on the tenor's voice intonations, but luciano botelho (who's seen in the video) in the shadow of the more famous kenneth tarver (as the old german couple discussed on the train ride back) did a decent job; but the highlight to a novice like me still remains spuck's direction.

the ballet is indeed an evening well spent for anyone who enjoys what actors/dancers/singers/musicians do within a scene of drama.

i like.

Monday, January 25, 2010

one of the things about jet lag is that..

.. it wakes you up way too early in the morning and makes you listen to loopy pop music on youtube.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

nippon '10

from watching sumo wrestling on tv to eating octopus arms sitting on the floor, it was everything that one expects from japan. all good things about a country with the most congenial population, are meant.

i heart-ed japan.

Friday, January 15, 2010

tim minchin



is that it?

Friday, January 08, 2010

is it a terrible thing to live life without a dream?