Monday, July 26, 2010

willingness to change

like a peddler
i walk around
hawking my wares
each morning
i wait
for the day to run scarce

when we live through days, soon enough they turn into months or years and eventually this leads to a stage when we seem different than what we remember ourselves to be. depending on whether we like it or not, we label it either evolution or change (a more colloquial expression for the former would be development).

in certain young communities that i have been social in, change in an individual is said to be brought about due to circumstances or certain docile aspects in one's personality - a pitiable thing in the general conscious. change here, would be a sign of weakness with regards to the ego. for it is in some way represented as a compromise of individuality to a larger social entity or responsibility. a negative but existent trait.

in some other communities, change bears no such great commentary on one's personality and in fact is merely a burdensome exercise which would warrant a sacrifice of heavenly proportions of one's social lineage. its absence is a commonplace phenomenon like sloth or similar mild human features. also, age comes in for a quick rescue in most cases.. and to change would be nearly impossible, owing to the mental exhaustion involved. a fairly superfluous exercise.

development on the other hand is (puzzlingly) sketched to be something completely different. often termed well-read or.. curiously enough, well-paid.. it shares very little vocabulary with change. painted in glorious colours of maturity, it is usually lit up as a tribute to success. and wisdom. a more forgiving differential from what one starts off as - a twerp. a fairly positive step up.

so how much of change is an infringement of a person's identity and how less of it is a natural or warranted development? considering the total ambiguous nature of identity.. a fine line.. a broad spectrum?

when there is a hushing sigh of resignation for the change in a person, is it just a derivative of the negative opinion existing of an unnecessary difference? or the misunderstood face of an evolved man? why the resistance to change?

adult life brings along a few new things.. takes away some as well. but choice is not one of them. but to choose, one needs to be willing.


Anonymous Partha said...

Resistance to change is probably some energy conservation thing of our body and/or mind dude, path of least resistance. :)

1:46 AM  
Blogger Sharad Ragas said...

You are sounding like a physicist, Partha! =p

11:44 AM  
Blogger Quicksilver said...

Sigh ! Adulthood

2:54 PM  
Anonymous Leena said...

Transience is a way of life, of time and of culture. Otherwise, it could get boring.. :p

Acceptance could be one way to cope with that resistance.

Maybe ppl do evolve, develop, change, give in, progress whatever the word.. but I guess, the core of a person doesn't change. In the end, you can't be what you are not (whatever that means. :p).

If we do change, hopefully we'll be a better version of ourselves.

7:08 PM  
Anonymous IC said...

In the name of civilization and adulthood!


7:32 PM  

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