Friday, November 17, 2006

Now, we have Aboriginal rock..

Aboriginal stuff is pretty big here, in a trans-cultural sorta way. It is almost like the Indian Gods in the Yoga instructors' living rooms - very kitsch.

A lotta people have a sense of intrigue in their words while discussing such sorts. Constant analogies with the native American tribes and Kalahari bushmen (??) keep popping up midst leisurely dinner conversations.

Aborginal Australians are the indigeneous lot of people who typically find the world today a stranger place to live in. The stories and tales related to them are fascinating is most aspects. Reportedly, they call the beginning of the world "Dreaming" (in an almost Gaiman-esque way, eh?) and have a strong sense of spirituality about them. These tales are often sung out in hymns.. while dancing around rock paintings, carvings et al. People playing windpipes called Didgeridoo (as being demostrated by a non-Aborigine below) make up the low humming vibrations as the sun fades away in the background. Think Indiana Jones, misunderstood tribes and lots of land issues.

I apologize for the lack of pathos in the description, which is not a prescription, I feel. If interested, one could read the Wiki links for more insight into the other side of Australia.


Blogger P said...

tooo much dude!!

8:11 PM  
Blogger Chaitanya said...

How does it sound like? :p

6:18 PM  
Blogger Sharad Ragas said...

@Partha: Yeah ritte!!

@Atlantean: Like ostriches in heat!!

2:19 AM  

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